The NMPC publications described here include some that are essential for anyone seeking advancement and some that are extremely helpful even though not essential.
The Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel Classifications and Occupational Standards, NAVPERS 18068 series, gives the minimum occupational (technical) standards for advancement in rate from PO3 to MCPO. Keep in mind that these are the minimum standards required for advancement to each rate within each rating. You are responsible for meeting all of the standards specified for advancement to the rate level you are seeking and all standards specified for all lower rate levels. Remember also that changes to the occupational standards are issued more frequently than rate training courses can be revised. So you must always check the latest requirements for advancement in rating.
The Personnel Advancement Requirement (PAR), NAVPERS 1414/4, is used to individualize advancement requirements for each rating and to provide a consolidated checklist for individuals preparing for advancement and for commands in evaluating advancement readiness.
PAR is presented in three sections:
1. Section I lists the administrative requirements.
2. Section II lists the formal school and other training requirements (if any) and recommended training for improved performance in rating.
3. Section III lists occupational and military ability requirements. This section is based on the current occupational standards as published in Section I, Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel Qualifications and Occupational Standards, NAVPERS 18068 series. It contains broad statements based on approved military and occupational standards of what a person must be able to do at the next higher pay grade, whereas the Bibliography Sheet provides a verbatim listing of these standards applicable to an examination.
As changes are made to the occupational standards, new forms of NAVPERS 1414/4 are issued as necessary. If a person shows proficiency in some skill not listed as a minimum qualification but falls within the general scope of the rating, ensure that an entry is made in the space provided for that purpose.
PAR is kept in the service record and should be forwarded with the service record to the next duty station. Each person should keep a copy for his or her own use.
Bibliography for Advancement Study, NAVEDTRA 10052, is an important publication for any enlisted person preparing for advancement. It lists required and recommended rate training manuals and other materials to be studied by personnel working for advancement.
NAVEDTRA 10052 is revised and issued each year by the Chief of Naval Education and Training. Each revised edition is identified by a letter following the NAVEDTRA number. Be sure you have the most recent edition.
If extensive changes in qualifications occur in a rating between the annual revisions of NAVEDTRA 10052, a supplementary list of study materials may be issued in the form of a directive. When you are preparing for advancement, check to see if changes have been made in the qualifications for your rating. If changes have been made, see if a directive has been issued to supplement NAVEDTRA 10052.
The required and recommended references are listed by pay grade in NAVEDTRA 10052. If you are working for advancement to HM1, study the materials listed for the HM1 level and all levels below it. If you are working for advancement to HMC, study the materials listed for the HMC level and all lower rate levels.
It should be noted that publications listed for a given pay grade frequently make specific reference to other publications. These referrals are part of the total bibliography, and examinations are based on this total bibliography.
In using NAVEDTRA 10052, you will notice that some rate training manuals are marked with an asterisk (*). Any manual marked in this way is mandatory; that is, it must be completed at the indicated rate level before you are eligible to take the service wide examination for advancement.