least an annual basis. Test components are 1.5-mile run-walk (500-yard swim and 3-minute run in place as command options), sit-reach for flexibility, sit-ups, and percent body fat. Testing, education and training advice are provided through a network of collateral duty command fitness coordinators. In addition to the requirement for program implementation by each subordinate command, Medical Department responsibilities are (1) providing technical assistance to NAVMILPERSCOM, (2) conducting lifestyle, fitness, and obesity research, (3) reviewing health status and granting waivers for those individuals unable to safely participate in physical fitness testing or training, and (4) assisting in the development of exercise prescriptions.
The Navy Blood Program exists to support the daily operations of Navy hospitals and clinics, the operational forces, and the Military Blood Program Office (MBPO) through the Armed Services Whole Blood Processing Laboratories (ASWBPL) (see table 15-1). It establishes policies for donor recruitment at all Navy treatment facilities, and establishes guidelines for dealing with civilian facilities.
Blood is necessary to support the daily operations of Navy treatment facilities as well as the unforeseen. The Navy Blood Program, along with the Air Force and Army Blood Programs, comprise the MBPO. This triservice program supports and supplies ASWBPL with both personnel and blood. Each service has an assigned weekly quota of blood that enables the military to support itself in all contingency roles.
More detailed information may be found in NAVMEDCOMINST 6530.1, OPNAVINST 6530.2B, and NAVMED P-5123.
1. NAVMEDCOMINST 5450.1, Organizational Manual for Geographic Naval Medical Commands, Naval Hospitals, Naval Medical Clinics, and Naval Dental Clinics
2. NAVMED P-5127, Patient Affairs and Outpatient Services Officers Handbook
3. BUMEDINST 6320.58, The Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
4. NAVMEDCOMINST 6320.3, Medical and Dental Care for Eligible Persons at Navy Medical Department Facilities