and services when the value does not exceed 00 and all of the following conditions exist:
The supplies or services are not available at the local supply support activity.
Supply department complement is sufficient to handle the additional workload involved without detrimental effects.
The supply officer is reasonably familiar with the local market area where the ship is located.
All transactions are made by an approved small purchase method that provides for immediate delivery of the materiel.
Activities afloat, either in the United States or foreign ports, may not purchase the following materiel without specific authority from the cognizant bureau or command:
Materiel in excess of allowance except approved emergency requirements
Books for the ship’s library
Forms, commercial printing, binding, blank bookwork
Technical ordnance articles
Printing equipment and machinery
Automotive equipment
Transportation facilities, equipment, parts, and supplies required for domestic transportation
Methods of Purchase Purchases afloat are made by one of the following methods:
Purchase order for purchases not in excess of 00 (not in excess of ,000 under emergency conditions)
Imprest fund for cash purchases when the amount does not exceed 0 (0 under emergency conditions)
Orders under indefinite delivery-type contracts and blanket purchase agreements that have been negotiated by ashore activities
A single requirement may NOT be divided into more than one purchase action for the purpose of avoiding the monetary limitations stated above.
Procedures for purchases by ashore activities are provided in NAVSUP P-467.
When a purchase is made under any of the above procedures and is chargeable to the ship’s OPTAR, prepare a DD 1348 as an obligation document. Attach the hardback copy of DD 1348 to a copy of the purchase document, and place it in material outstanding file. Place the green copy of DD 1348 in the OPTAR document holding file 1 by ships that submit budget and OPTAR reports, or promptly forward it to the OPTAR holding activity by ships that do NOT submit budget and OPTAR reports. Discard the original and remaining copies.
Purchase Order
Use and Form The purchase order method will be used for purchases in the open market up to the purchasing authority and as authorized by the cognizant type commander. (Purchase orders will not exceed ,000 except as specified in par. 3085-7 of the NAVSUP P-485.) The purchase order form (Order for Supplies or Services/Request for Quotations, DD Form 1155) is shown in figure 12-13.
The block “Purchase” (Block 16) on the DD Form 1155 will be checked in addition to the box at the top of the form entitled “Order for Supplies or Services,” to signify the use of the form as a purchase order as distinguished from a delivery order. In addition, all applicable blocks and spaces will be completed with the required data subject to the special instructions set forth in this paragraph. The DD Form 1155 will be prepared as described in chapter 3 of the NAVSUP P-485.
The date and place of delivery must be shown. If the material is to be picked up by the ship’s representative, this should be stated in the order.
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