Navy Supply System. These are 13-character numbers assigned by inventory managers for either temporary or permanent control.
Technically, any item identification number assigned by an activity for its own use is an NICN. However, to distinguish between NICNs authorized in supply transaction documents and those that are not, the term local item control number is often used instead of NICN. The local item control number consists of 13 characters with the fifth and sixth digits being LL. A full explanation of the composition of NICNs, NHNs, and local item control numbers is contained in Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP P-485.
This publication contains all standard stock items available to the agencies of the federal government. It furnishes identification and management data for single manager supply items. The sections of the catalog of greatest interest to you are those dealing with medical items listed below in figure 12-1. Each subsection deals with specific categories of materiel.
The following is a subsection description of the Federal Supply Catalog, Medical Materiel, 6500 section:
Introduction—provides a generaI overview of the contents and use of the catalog
Alphabetical Index—a list of item names, synonyms, colloquial, common names, and trademarks referenced to index numbers to help locate an item within the subsection
Glossary of Colloquial Names and Therapeutic Index (6505/6508 subsections only)—contains colloquial names, synonyms, and trade names arranged in alphabetical order and cross-referenced to appropriate National Item Names. It further classifies items by therapeutic use.
Identification List (IL) contains the following:
Notes—information regarding special storage and handling of an item are as follows: