PAGE 1Enlistment or Reenlistment Agreement, Armed Forces of the United States, DD Form 4. This is a four-part form and serves as the basic document that establishes a legal relationship between the member and the government. For immediate reenlistment, use Immediate Reenlistment Contract, NAVPERS 1070/601
PAGE 1AAgreement to Extend Enlistment, NAVPERS 1070/621, is the legal agreement between an enlisted member and the government to extend the members current enlistment for a specified period.
PAGE 1BAssignment to and Extension of Active Duty, NAVPERS 1070/622, provides a record of the assignment of a member on inactive duty to active duty and an agreement to extend a tour of active duty for a member of the Naval Reserve, Fleet Reserve, or a retired member on active duty.
PAGE 2Dependency Application/Record of Emergency Data, NAVPERS 1070/602, is a multipurpose form used for both officers and enlisted members. Part I serves as an application for dependency allowances. Part II provides an immediately accessible, up-to-date record of emergency data for casualty reporting and notification to the next of kin. Part II is the official document used by the Navy to determine persons to be notified in case of emergency or death; persons to receive the death gratuity when no spouse or child exists; persons to receive allotment if member is missing; persons to receive unpaid pay and allowances; and commercial insurance companies to be notified in case of death.
PAGE 3Enlisted Classification Record, NAVPERS 1070/603, contains pertinent information relative to a members aptitude test scores, civilian education and training, personal interests, and civilian experience.
PAGE 4Navy Occupation/Training and Awards History, NAVPERS 1070/604, provides a complete chronological record of enlisted classification codes and designators assigned, changed, or revoked; Navy service schools attended; Navy training courses, performance tests, personnel qualification standards, and leadership examinations completed; advancements, reductions, changes in rate or rating, GED tests, and off-duty study courses completed; and awards and decorations received, etc.
PAGE 5History of Assignments, NAVPERS 1070/605, is used to record the activities to which the member has been assigned during a term of enlistment. Extensions, bonus pay, sea and shore duty commencement dates, etc., are recorded on this page.
PAGE 6Record of Unauthorized Absence, NAVPERS 1070/606, is used to record periods of unauthorized absence in excess of 24 hours.
PAGE 7Court Memorandum, NAVPERS 1070/607, is used to record court-martial actions when a guilty finding is made by the court. It is also used to record nonjudicial punishment (NJP) that affects pay, any action appeal from NJP that affects the punishment imposed, and administrative actions such as contempt of court charges or restoration of rate upon release from confinement.
PAGE 9Enlisted Performance Record, NAVPERS 1070/609, is used to record chronologically the evaluation of performance of duty of both Regular and Reserve enlisted personnel. It also includes notations as to disciplinary actions taken and recommendations for advancement.
PAGE 10Record of Personnel Actions, NAVPERS 1070/610, provides a means of recording changes in rate, proficiency pay, citizenship, and other administrative entries as directed.
PAGE 11Record of Naval Reserve Service, NAVPERS 1070/611, provides a chronological record by anniversary year of retirement points earned by Naval Reserve personnel.
PAGE 13Administrative Remarks, NAVPERS 1070/613, is a chronological record of significant miscellaneous entries not provided for elsewhere or requiring more detailed information.
PAGE 14Record of Discharge from the Naval Reserve, NAVPERS 1070/615 (Inactive), is prepared upon honorable discharge of an enlisted member on inactive duty by reason of expiration of enlistment or obligated service.
PAGE 15Report of Separation from Active Duty, DD Form 214, is used to record data that may be pertinent to an individual in civilian life and is the document used most often to determine eligibility for VA benefits.