individual has only initials for his first name and/or middle name, submit the initial(s) with no punctuation. In case of a long name, the reporting of the name shall be limited to a MAXIMUM 20 CHARACTERS to ensure a one line diary entry. The full last name and the first and middle initial will be used in this case.
The reporting of changes for multiple UICs on a one message diary does not eliminate the requirements for certification of the receipt and verification of the ODCRs and EDVRs. Commanding Officers must ensure the continued verification of ODCR and EDVR within the month of receipt. On the Monthly Message Diary Summary, the activity responsible for diary preparation for its own activity or for other commands acknowledges receipt and verification of the ODCR or EDVR for the period stated. This is necessary in order that activity and MAPTIS accounts may be brought into alignment for the preparation of personnel accounting reports for higher authority.
The DMRS submission schedule requirements will be strictly observed, Report events on the diary prepared for the actual day on which the particular events occur. Ensure that all DMRS messages are transmitted no later than the next normal workday following the occurence of the events being reported. Events occurring on weekend/holiday periods must be submitted the next working day that immediately follows the weekend/holiday period. All DMRS messages are to be unclassified and are to be transmitted to EPMAC DIARY NEW ORLEANS LA. Do not send diaries to the Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command unless specifically directed by NMPC.
The Enlisted Distribution and Verification Report is a monthly statement of the activitys enlisted prsonnel account, reflecting all individual assignments, and serves as:
1. A rate and NEC summary of the current and future manning status of the activity
2. A common reference point in any discussion of manning status between the manning or detailing control authorities and the activity
3. A statement of account for verification by the activity
4. A permanent historical record in NMPC of an activitys personnel account for statistical uses and overall Navy personnel manning
EDVR is distributed monthly by EPMAC. It is organized into eight sections:
1. Sections 1 through 3 contain information on members that has been extracted from the activity account and requires special attention and/or action by the activity. They are consolidated lists of members who are expected to report to the activity, be detached from the activity, or are in a duty or a temporary duty status.
2. Section 4 contains the total personnel account of the activity, including those members reflected in sections 1 through 3. It is a listing of total personnel on board.
3. Sections 5 through 8 contain statistical and authorized billet information. They are summaries for the review of the head of the activity in its planning.
All sections are designed to assist the activity in its responsibility for maintaining accurate personnel accounts and providing personnel information to the head of the activity. Section 3 also contains an alphabetic listing of all members in the activitys personnel account regardless of their status.
Individual detailing (ordering personnel to and from an activity) and manning decisions are, for the most part, based on information contained in the EDVR account; therefore, it is extremely important that each activity keep its account up to date and accurate by submitting changes as they occur and reporting errors as they are found.
When you receive your copy of the current EDVR at your command, you must verify the accuracy of the report and make corrections, as necessary, on your personnel diary.
For additional and more detailed information concerning EDVR, consult NAVMILPERSCOMINST 1080.1 series.