relate to field activities special reporting and control requirements. This is a first line entry and is mandatory for repairable items.
APL/AEL NO—Allowance Parts List/ Allowance Equipage List number for repair parts and equipment -related consumables. If the Integrated Stock List (ISL) indicates that multiple APL or AEL numbers are applicable to the same item, enter the letter “M” instead of an APL/AEL No. Enter “GEN USE” or “GUCL” for nonequipment-related consumables.
LOCATION—Each location in which the item is stored. For non-SIM items, each location as well as the quantity in each location is required; however, avoid multiple locations of non-SIM items when possible. Leave it blank for SIM-DTO items.
HL, LL, SL—High limit, low limit, and safety level quantities are computed according to NAVSUP P-485. This block is used for SIM items only. Enter “SIM DTO” for SIM-DTO items. Leave it blank for non-SIM-DTO items.
A/L QTY—Allowance list quantity. Leave it blank for nonallowance and SIM-DTO items.
AT—Allowance-type code. Transfer the SOAP-assigned AT code forward to the succeeding record when a SOAP-prepared stock record is filled. When the ship prepares a stock record for a new stock item added between SOAPS, enter the appropriate AT code from the following list:
1 COSAL item
2 Load list item (applies to load-carrying ships only)
3 Load/allowance list item (applies to load-carrying ships only)
4 Non-COSAL item that has a frequency of demand of 4 or more in the last 24 months or 2 or more in the last 6 months
5 Non-COSAL item with 0 demand but applicable to on board equipment and within the ship’s capability to install
6 Delete item (no demand, no application)
8 Non-COSAL item that has a frequency of demand of 1, 2, or 3 in the last 24 months but less than 2 in the last 6 months
E/R/C—See below.
BEG. MO. DEM.—The beginning date of the demand period (usually the SOAP completion date that is pretyped on SOAP-prepared stock records. The original card received upon completion of the supply overhaul shows the date (month and year of the current supply overhaul) of the current demand period. When the original card is filled and a new card is prepared, bring this date forward with the demand quantity and frequency of demand recorded on the original card. When a card is prepared for a new item between SOAPS, the demand date is the date of the initial requisition.
DQBF—Demand quantity brought forward. This total is brought forward from a filled stock record onto a new stock record.
DFBF—Demand frequency brought forward. This total is brought forward from a filled stock record onto a new stock record.
URG—A checkmark or X if the item is listed in the Consolidated Afloat Requisitioning Guide Overseas (CARGO), indicating that the item is available in the deployed area from ships of the underway replenishment group.
MRT—A checkmark or X if the item is listed in the SERVMART shopping list of the local supply support activity.
EOI—A checkmark or X if the item is designated as an economic order item.
CI—A checkmark or X if the item is designated as a critical item.