Table 12-1-Summary of CBR agents, effects and treatment
NERVE AGENTS. Tabum (GA). Sarin (GB). Soman (GD). VX | Colorless to light brown liquid. Odorless to faint sweetish or fruity vapor. Tasteless | Miosis, rhinorreha, dimmed vision, saliva, nausea, abdominal cramping, increased bronchial secretions, syspnea, pulmonary edema, headache, vertigo | Incapacitates; kills if high concentrations are inhaled or if contaminatetd skin is not decontaminated in time. | Very rapid with inhalation; Slow through the skin | None for aerosols or vapors, Flush eyes with water, Wash skin with soap and water or use skin pad from M-13 kit; M-5 kit for VX | Atriphine IM or IV Artificial ventilation Oximes (2-PAM CI) as adjunct to atropine |
VESICANTS. Mustard (HD). Nitrogen. Mustard(HN). Lewisite (L). Phosgene. Oxime (CK) | Odor of garlic or horseradish (HD). None to slightly fishy odor (HN). Fruity or odor of geranium (L). Disagreeable (CX). Colorless to dark brown liquid. Vapors are not usually visible | Lacrimation, eye pain, photophobia, cough, respiratory irritation, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Skin errythema and itching, headache. | Generally nonlethal. Blisters skin, is destructive to upper respiratory tract; can cause temporary blindness. Some agents sting and form welts on skin, and others scar eyes | Mustards have a delayed effect. Arsenicals and phosgene oxime are rapid and intense | Remove contaminated clothing, wash skin with soap and water or use M-5 ointment or M-13 kit | Analgesics, sterile, dressings, antibiotics, and treat for shock. For arsenicals, BAL in oil IM. For CX, sodium bicarbonate dressings |
BLOOD AGENTS. Hydrocyapie acid (AC). Cvanogen chloride (CK) | Corless gas. Faint bitter almond odor (AC). Irritating odor (CK) | Increased respiration followed by dyspena, nausea, vertigo, headache, convulsions and coma | Inhibits cytochrome oxidase. Incapacitates; lethal if high concentrations are inheld | Rapid | None needed | Amyl nitritate ampules artificial respiration Sodium thiosulfate/Sodium nitrite IV |
CHOKING AGENTS. Phosgene (CG) | Colorless gas odor of corn, grass or new mown hay | Coughing, choking, tightness in chest, nausea, and headache | Lethal. Floods lungs, pulmonary edema | Immediate to 3 hours | None needed | Rest, oxygen, antibiotics |
VOMITING AGENTS. Adamsite (DM) | Yellow or white to nonvisible gas. Odor of burning fireworks | Pepperlike irritation of upper respiratory tract and eyes with lacrimation. Uncontrolled sneezing and coughing and excessive salivation | Incapacitates. Local irritant | Immediate | None needed | Supportive Chloroform inhalation for symptomatic relief. Physical exercise shortens duration and speeds recovery. Recovery spontaneous |
INCAPACITATING AGENTS BZ | Odorless, Colorless, Tasteless | Unpredictable, irrational behavior; may be accompanied by coughing, nausea, vomiting, and headache. Dilation of pupils | Temporarily incapacitates, mentally and physically. Anticholinergic. Psychotrophic | Delayed | Wash with soap and water | Observation and physical restraint if indicated. Physostigmine salicylate 2-3mg IM every 1-2 hours for duration of symptoms |
IRRITANTS. Riot control agents CS, CN, CR, CA | Colorless to white vapor. Pepperlike odor | Immediate lacrimation. Coughing. Skin irriation | Incapacitating Local irritant | Instantaneous | None needed | Removal to fresh air |
BIOLOGICAL AGENTS | Microscopic live organizms | Variable, depending on agent and resistance of victim. | Lethal or incapacitating depding on agent | Delayed for days or longer | Wash with soap and water | Variable, specific if agent is known supportive |
NUCLEAR BURST | Bright intense flash of light. Heat, wind, shock wave. Earth tremors | Temporary blindness. Thermal burns. Radiation burns. Physical injuries | Blast destruction. Radiation sickness | Immediate for blast. Delayed for radiation | Wash with soap and water, Shower, Monitor | Immediate decontamination Treatment of physical injuries Antibiotics for radiation exposure |