USUAL DOSE.— As with chlorpromazine, dosages are highly individualized and may range from 0.5 mg to 8 mg or higher on a daily basis.
ACTION AND USE.— Lithium is used in the treatment of manic episodes of manic-depressive illness. It is the drug of choice to prevent or diminish the intensity of manic episodes.
USUAL DOSE.— Dosage must be individualized according to serum levels and clinical response. Give 600 mg three times daily or 900 mg twice daily for the slow release form.
ACTION AND USE.— Amitriptyline is an antidepressive mood elevator with mild tranquilizing effects. It is indicated for the long-term treatment of depressive disorders.
USUAL DOSE.— Initially, 75 mg daily in three divided doses but may be increased to 150 mg daily dependant on clinical response.
ACTION AND USE.— Chlordiazepoxide hydrochloride is an antianxiety agent indicated for the treatment of anxiety disorders. It is not indicated for anxiety or tension associated with the stress of everyday activities. It is also indicated in the abatement of acute withdrawal symptoms of alcoholism.
USUAL DOSE.— Optimum dose is dependant upon the patient’s condition and clinical response. It may range from 5 mg 3 or 4 times daily to 25 mg 3 or 4 times daily.
ACTION AND USE.— Hydroxizine Hydrochloride is a rapid acting anti-anxiety and antiemetic with antispasmodic and muscle relaxant effects. It is most often used in preand post-operative sedation and in conjunction with meperidine hydrochloride to potentate its effects and reduce nausea. It is for intramuscular or oral use only, not for intravenous use.
USUAL DOSE.— 50 mg is the normal dose with ranges from 25 to 100 mg.
ACTION AND USE. —Diazepam is useful in treating mild to moderate depression with anxiety and tension. Because of its muscle relaxant properties, it is also used to treat spastic muscle conditions and convulsive seizure episodes; it is the drug of choice in status epileptics. Diazepam is probably one of the most abused of the prescription drugs and has both psychological and physical dependence properties. Withdrawal symptoms may manifest with sudden cessation after long-term use.
USUAL DOSE.— Dosages may range from 2 to 40 mg daily in 2 to 4 equally divided doses.
ACTION AND USE.— Flurazepam is a hypnotic indicated for the treatment of insomnia.
USUAL DOSE.— 15 to 30 mg at bedtime. SKELETAL MUSCLE RELAXANTS These agents may be used to produce muscular relaxation during surgical anesthesia. More often these drugs are used in connection with the treatment of muscle spasm due to various conditions. All of these drugs may cause drowsiness and impair performance of tasks that require alertness.
ACTION AND USE.— Methocarbamol is used as an adjunct to rest, physical therapy, and other measures for the relief of discomfort associated with acute, painful musculoskeletal conditions.
USUAL DOSE.— 1 g four times daily, or 1.5 g two or three times daily.
ACTION AND USE.— Cyclobcnzaprine hydrochloride is indicated for short term treatment of skeletal muscle spasms of local origin.
USUAL DOSE.— 10 mg three times daily for up to three weeks. 7-22