line below the preceding line, with two spaces following the colon. Use normal word order and capitalize every letter after the colon.
If a reference is not required for clarification, don’t use it. If a reference is used, type Ref: at the left margin on the second line below the subject with three spaces following the colon. Each reference, even if only one, is preceded by a lowercase letter in parentheses. One space follows the closing parenthesis. There are several different types of references: correspondence, messages, endorsements, and telephone conversations. For the proper format to use for each, refer to the Department of the Navy Correspondence Manual. References are listed in the order that they appear in the text of the letter. In the text, spell out the word reference.
When an enclosure accompanies the letter, type Encl: at the left margin on the second line below the last line of the previous heading, with two spaces following the colon. Each enclosure, even if only one, is preceded by an Arabic numeral in parentheses. One space follows the closing parenthesis. Describe an enclosure like a reference. Enclosures are used to keep the text of a letter from becoming too detailed or too long. Like references, enclosures are listed in the order in which they appear in the text. In the text, spell out the word enclosure.
Mark an enclosure on the first page only, in the lower right corner, whether the text is arranged normally or lengthwise. Type, stamp, or write Encl plus its number in parentheses. Pencil may be used so an addressee can remove the marking easily should the enclosure be needed for some new purpose later. Follow the standard-letter practice of numbering only second and later pages. If you have several different enclosures, number the pages of each independently. If the pages are numbered already, renumbering is unnecessary.
The text, or body, of the letter begins on the second line below the last line of the headings. Number paragraphs sequentially, flush with the left-hand margin. Paragraphs are not indented in a standard naval letter. Each paragraph begins on the second line below the last line of the preceding paragraph. See figure 13-3 for an example of paragraph and subparagraph formats.
Signature The name of the person signing the letter is typed in all capital letters on the fourth line below the text and at the center of the page. Normally, a functional title is not added. When subordinates sign under delegated authority, they usually sign “By direction.” See SECNAVINST 5216.5C for exceptions to this rule.
Only the original letter that goes to the action addressee is signed, but all copies must have a signature block.
This block is used when addressees outside your command need to know about the content of the letter but don’t need to act on it. The Copy-To block begins flush with the left margin on the second line below the signature block. List the addressees in any order, though the internal offices of an activity should be grouped for ease of distribution.
The first page of routine correspondence is not numbered. All of the following pages are numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals centered one-half inch from the bottom of the page, without punctuation. On the second and succeeding pages, repeat the subject shown on the first page on the sixth line from the top of all later pages. The identification symbols are not repeated. On the signature page, there should be at least two lines of text.
This section explains how to address letter-size envelopes for unclassified correspondence. Ask your mail room about types, costs, and instructions on such special services as registered, certified, or insured mail. Also ask about bulk mailing as well as pouch and messenger services; these methods of moving the mail require few envelopes or mailing labels.