Store and preserve your products in neat, clean containers, clearly labeled, readily accessible and light-resistant.
Remember that the contents of a prescription are a confidential matter between the physician, the patient, and the person who is filling it.
All prescriptions must be dispensed neatly, in an appropriate container of suitable size.
All prescriptions must be properly labeled and properly marked (Shake Well, External Use Only, etc.).
Never dispense drugs of doubtful origin or potency.
Never use ingredients of doubtful origin or potency when compounding a prescription.
Never dispense drugs suspected of deterioration, either due to faulty storage or use.
WHEN IN DOUBT, THROW IT OUT! Always double check the prescription for correctness, up to and including the patient, making sure that he or she is in fact the person for whom the drug is intended.
Refer to the Manual of the Medical Department, chapter 21 for information to be recorded on each prescription form at the time of dispensing.
Stoklosa, Mitchell J., and Ansel, Howard C., Pharmaceutical Calculations, 8th ed., Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 1986.
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