A/L QTY—Allowance list quantity. This is filled in for items on the AMAL/ADAL and left blank for nonallowance items.
AT—Allowance type code. The AT code is assigned by the Supply Operations Assistance Program (SOAP). It is a single numeric character code based on the item use, requirement to be carried, or usage rates. When an item is added between SOAPs, assign the appropriate AT code.
E/R/C—These codes are used for equipage items (E), repair parts and equipment-related consumables (R), or for general use consumables (C). Equipage items (E) are for special accounting class 207 ships only.
BEG.MO.DE.—The beginning date of the demand period; generally the date of the last SOAP. When the original (SOAP prepared) card is filled and a new card is prepared, bring this date forward to the new card with the demand and frequency of demand recorded on the original card. When a card is prepared between SOAPs, the demand date is the date of the initial requisition.
DQBF—Demand quantity brought forward. This total is brought forward from a filled stock record onto a new stock record.
DFBF—Demand frequency brought forward. This total is brought forward from a filled stock record onto a new stock record.
URG—A checkmark or “X” if the item is listed in the Consolidated Afloat Requisitioning Guide Overseas (CARGO).
MRT—A checkmark or “X” if the item is listed in the SERVMART shopping list of the local supply support activity.
EOI—A checkmark or “X” if the item is listed as an economic order item. as in CI—A checkmark or “X” if the item is listed a critical item.
MEC—Military essentiality code, as indicated the COSAL SNSL for repair parts and equipment-related consumables.
HIC—Hazardous item code (H, F, M, or R) if the item is listed in the Consolidated Hazardous Item List (CHIL).
SCC—Security classification code, if applicable.
SLC—Shelf-life code, if applicable.
PEB—A checkmark or “X” if the item is designated as a PEB item.
REQUISITIONS OUTSTANDING—The Julian date, serial number, and quantity applicable to each procurement document.
When the original card is filled, prepare a new card, duplicating the stock item information except for usage data. Enter the beginning date on the new card. Bring forward the demand quantity and frequency demand totals from the old card onto the new card. Bring forward any requisitions still outstanding. Retain the old card and file it according to local policy.
Post stock record cards daily as receipt and issue documents are received. Compare the following data elements on receipt documents with those on the stock record cards:
If the data elements on the receipt documents and the stock record card are in agreement, enter the Julian date of the receipt and the serial number of the related requisition in the DATE & SER/ WCC column. Enter the quantity received in the RECEIPTS column and increase the balance in the ON-HAND column by the quantity received.