i. NAVMED 6600/4, Navy Periodontal Screening Exam (when retained)
a. Unmounted radiographs in envelopes
b. Sequential bitewing radiograph mounts
c. Panoramic and/or full mouth radiographs
d. NAVMED 6600/3, Dental Health Questionnaire
e. DD 877, Request for Medical/Dental Records or Information
f. DD 2005, Privacy Act Statement
g. OPNAV 5211/9, Record of Disclosure Privacy Act of 1974
The procedures for opening, closing, and verifying the dental treatment record are the same as the medical treatment record.
Military Health (Dental) Treatment Record Jacket (NAVMED 6150/10-19)
The dental treatment record jacket (fig. 10-13) shall be prepared in the same manner as the medical treatment record jacket with the exception that an X be entered in the record category box marked DENTAL, and dark blue tape be used in the Record Category Tape box.
The dental classification box in the top right corner on the jacket back leaf is reserved exclusively for use by dental activities. To facilitate recognition of the four dental classifications of patients, a standard color code, utilizing a strip of appropriately colored cellophane tape shall be placed diagonally across the top right corner.
White tape indicates a Dental Class 1 Patients who do not require dental treatment.
Green tape indicates a Dental Class 2 Patients who have dental condition that are unlikely to result in a dental emergency within 12 months.
Yellow tape indicates a Dental Class 3 Patients who have oral and/or dental conditions that are likely to result in a dental emergency within 12 months.
Red tape indicates a Dental Class 4Patients whose oral classification is unknown because the patient has not received a dental examination in the last 12 months, or the patients dental record is not held by the responsible Medical Department activity.
The SF 603 (figs 10-14, 10-14A and 10-14B) provides the following:
An original dental record is prepared:
The SF 603 will accompany Navy and Marine Corps personnel from activity to activity during their entire period of military service. The dental officer will ensure that the Military Health (Dental) Treatment Record with the SF 603/603A, all radiographs, and other pertinent dental records