hastens acclimatization to new environments. Smoking and overindulgence in food and drink are detrimental and defeat the purpose of exercise.
During sleep the body recharges its nervous energy, repairs damaged cells, and regains its bounce. It is important to sleep undisturbed at regular hours and long enough to awaken refreshed. Continued physical and mental fatigue is detrimental to the maintenance of good health.
Proper nutrition is essential to supplying the body with all the elements it needs to function. Energy for activity and proteins, minerals, and vitamins for growth are all supplied by a proper diet.
Protection of Navy and Marine Corps personnel against certain diseases before exposure to infection is called prophylactic immunization. Prophylactic immunization is limited to diseases that are very serious and for which effective and reliable immunizing agents have been developed.
While unit commanding officers are responsible for ensuring that all military and nonmilitary personnel under their jurisdictions receive the required immunizations and that appropriate records of such immunizations are maintained, the actual performance of these tasks is the responsibility of the Medical Department. (See BUMEDINST 6230.1 series, NAVMEDCOMNOTE 6230, Immunization Requirements (latest issuance), and other appropriate guidelines.)
Store and distribute the yellow fever vaccine at temperatures below 0°C (32°F). The oral poliovirus vaccine requires particular care to preserve its potency. Storage should be in the frozen state at a temperature of –14°C (7°F). Thawing or evidence of thawing during shipment renders the shipment unacceptable for use. Store all other biological at temperatures between 20 and 8°C (35.6° to 46.4°F), and make sure they do not freeze.
Do not accept shipments for use if there is a change in the physical appearance or evidence suggestive of bacterial contamination or growth. Such shipments will be withheld from issue and use, Forward a request for disposition instructions to the supply source and an information copy to NAVMEDCOM, citing identifying data, circumstances, and deficiencies noted.
Empty containers of all living vaccines should be handled as infectious wastes. Before these items are discardcd, they should be burned, boiled, or autoclaved.
Do not use immunizing agents beyond the stated expiration dates, unless an extension is specifically authorizd by NAVMEDCOM and DPSC.
Before injecting a biological product, determine whether the individual has previously shown an unusual degree of sensitivity to a foreign protein. Individuals who give a history of sensitivity to an immunizing agent usually will be exempted from the immunization by a medical officer. Persons with a significant allergy to eggs or fowl should not be given vaccines prepared by cultivation in eggs (e.g., typhus, influenza, yellow fever, or measles vaccincs). Record severe individual reactions or sensitivities to any biological agent or drug in the immunization record, indicating the offending substance, its lot number and manufacturer, the date administered, and the severity of the reaction. in addition, note any hypersensitivity to drugs or chemicals known to exist on a separate SF 600.
Prior to the administration of any immunizing agent, make provisions for immediate first aid and medical care of any anaphylactoid reaction that may occur. A military or civilian member of the Medical Department who is certified in emergency resuscitative techniques shall be present. An emergency tray containing material for immediate treatment of serious anaphylactic reactions, including a tourniquet and syringe containing a 1:1,000 aqueous solution of epinephrine, should also be on hand. Consult NAVMED 1’-5052-15 series and local guidelines for other recommended materials and additional information regarding medical emergencies.
In severe reactions, symptoms appear immediately. These can include blotchy redness and hives of the skin; a feeling of a tight throat, bronchospasm, and dyspnea; vomiting, nausea and abtiominal pain; rapid pulse; and the patient