Keep the decimal points in a vertical line.
Multiplication of Decimals
The number of places to point off from the right in the product is found by adding the number of places in the multiplicand and the multiplier.
Division means to determine how many divisors are equivalent to the dividend.
Make the divisor a whole number by moving the decimal point to the right of the last figure.
Move the decimal point in the dividend as many digits to the right as it was move in the divisor.
Place the decimal point in the quotient (answer) directly above the new position of the decimal in the dividend.
Example: Divide 510 by 25.5
1st step, 2nd Step, 3rd Step | ![]() |
Therefore 510 = 20 x 25.5
Helpful Hints When Multiplying or Dividing by Decimals
To multiply by 10, move the decimal point one place to the right. To multiply by 100, move the decimal point two places to the right. In other words, move the decimal point to the right to coin- cide with’ the number of zeroes in the multiplier when it is stated in the “10s.”
Division by powers of 10 require moving the decimal point to the left by one place for each zero that appears in the divisor.
Write the denominator in the power of 10 and reduce to lowest terms.
0.8 would be 8/10 reduced to 4/5
0.04 would be 4/100 reduced to 1/25
A fraction is an expressed PART of a unit. The parts of a fraction are the:
NUMERATOR—the first or upper part of a fraction that indicated the number of the equal parts of a unit concerned.
DENOMINATOR—indicates the number of parts into which a unit is divided and constitutes the second or lower part of a fraction.
Proper fraction—a fraction whose numerator is less than the denominator.
Examples: 1/2, 6/11, 22/75, 41/111
Improper fraction —a fraction whose numerator is equal to or greater than the denominator.
Examples: 3/3, 15/10, 45/30, 101/9
Mixed numbers—a whole number combined with a fraction.
Examples: 1 1/2, 2 3/5, 55 7/10