9000 series - Ships Design and Material
10000 series - General Material
11000 series - Facilities and Activities Ashore
12000 series - Civilian Personnel
13000 series - Aeronautical and Astronautical Material
These major groups are subdivided into primary, secondary, and sometimes tertiary subdivisions. Primary subjects are designated by the last three digits of the code number, secondary subjects by the last two digits, and tertiary subjects by the last digit. For example:
6000 Medicine and Dentistry
6200 Preventive Medicine
6220 Communicable Diseases
6224 Tuberculosis
6100 Physical Fitness
6600 Dentistry
Detailed subdivisions can be found in the SSIC.
Classifying, as it is used here, is the process of determining the correct subject group or nametitle codes under which correspondence should be filed and any subordinate subjects that should be cross-referenced. Classifying is the most important filing operation because it determines where papers are to be filed.
The proper way to subject-classify a document so that it can be readily identified and found when needed is to read it carefully, analyze it, and then select the file code that most closely corresponds to the subject.
File most official correspondence, reports, or other material under only one subject identification code. There are times when more than one code will apply to the contents of the correspondence. In these cases, a system of crossreferencing is desirable to permit you to locate the correspondence quickly. To cross-reference, use a Cross-reference Sheet, DD Form 334, or a copy of the correspondence. Instances where you need to use a Cross-Reference Sheet are when:
Loose filing of correspondence in standard file folders is the official method and it saves time and material. A label containing identifying data for the folders’ contents is generally placed on the tab of the folders. Five-drawer, steel, noninsulated, letter-size cabinets are standard equipment in the Navy for active correspondence and documents. File material that cannot be folded to fit neatly in the intended file in a suitable cabinet. Note the location of this material on the basic document of a Cross-reference Sheet. Files containing classified documents or privacy act data shall be properly secured in accordance with OPNAVINST 5510.1 series.
General correspondence, as well as most other files, will be terminated annually at the end of each calendar year, and new files will begin. Budget and accounting records will also be terminated annually, but at the end of each fiscal year. Maintain terminated files in the office for 1 year before they are retired to a storage area where they are maintained until they are eligible for destruction or transfer to a Federal Records Center.
The Department of the Navy is producing records with increasing speed and ease. Actions and decisions, both important and unimportant, are being documented at every level of command. Informational papers are being more widely distributed. One of the goals of the program is to annually dispose of a volume of records at least equal to the volume of records created. The records disposal program is designed to identify