bottom of the page. Appropriate entries regarding thehypersensitivity should be made on the SF 601(Immunization Record), SF 603 (Dental Report),NAVMED 6150/10-19 (HREC jacket), and theNAVMED 6150/20 (Summary of Care).B L O O D G R O U P I N G A N D T Y P I N GRECORD.—The Blood Grouping and TypingRecord, which is generated at the member’s initialentry processing point, is an SF 600 overprint.Information on the Blood Grouping and TypingRecord identifies the individual by the appropriateABO group and Rh type (positive or negative). Testingresults are documented on the form and the originallaboratory request filed with the SF 545, LaboratoryResult Display, in the member’s HREC. The BloodGrouping and Typing Record may also contain asyphilis screening test and other screening test for thepresence of certain diseases.IMMUNIZATION RECORD (SF 601)The purpose of the SF 601 form (fig. 12-6) is torecord prophylactic (disease preventive) immuniza-tions; sensitivity tests; reactions to transfusions, drugs,sera (sing. serum), and food; known allergies; andblood-typing. The SF 601 contains specified blocksfor various immunizations, such as yellow fevervaccine, typhoid vaccine, and influenza vaccine.Preparing and Maintaining SF 601An immunization record is prepared and main-tained for each person with an HREC. Information onthe SF 601 is recorded in designated blocks. Whenspace is exhausted in any single category, prepare anew SF 601 and file in the HREC in chronologicalorder. Verify previous entries and bring the mostcurrent immunizations forward. Retain the old SF 601beneath the new SF 601. Replacement of the SF 601 isnot required because of a change in grade, rating,name, or status of member. Never maintain the SF 601separate from the HREC. Information recorded on theSF 601 is normally needed for governmentinternational travel, such as unit deployments ordirected governmental travel.Immunization EntriesThe name of the medical officer or MDRadministering the immunization or test or determining12-17Figure 12-5.—Standard Form 600, Special-Hypersensitivity.
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