inserted to give the restoration a natural appearance. Show partition at junction of materials and indicate Tooth #5 and tooth #9 in figure 2-15 show full gold each type of material used. Inscribe
diagonal parallel crowns with nonmetallic facings. The nonmetallic lines to indicate gold. In the "Remarks" section, facing is only outlined. Where a full crown is not indicate each FPD type of material used (gold or needed, a three quarter gold crown may be used as chrome). Figure 2-17 illustrates gold or chrome fixed shown on tooth #28 in fig. 2-15. partial dentures and what they look like charted.
COMBINATION RESTORATION. - Outline the area showing the approximate overall size, location, and shape; partition at junction of materials used. Indicate each type of material used.
REMOVABLE PARTIAL DENTURES (RPDs) AND COMPLETE DENTURES (CDs). - Mark the missing teeth as previously described. Place a horizontal line between the outline of the teeth and the numerals designating teeth replaced by the CD or RPD (fig. 2-16). Note: On the Forensic Examination form in the "Remarks" section, describe the CD or RPD, indicating whether they are maxillary or mandibular and the type of restoration and material used. An example of this would be Man RPD (acrylic, gold, or chrome-cobalt).
POST CROWN. - Chart the type of crown attached to the post. Outline each nonmetallic material and show restorative metallic materials. Outline approximate size and position of post or posts. In the "Remarks" section, indicate the material used.
ROOT CANAL FILLING (RCF). - Chart this specialized filling by drawing a line(s) in the area of the root(s) where the root canal(s) would normally be located. Teeth #3, #7, and #8 in figure 2-18 show examples of root canal fillings. Note: Root canal fillings will always be accompanied by a restoration, usually a crown, amalgam, or composite restoration.
FIXED PARTIAL DENTURES (FPDs). - Outline each aspect, including abutments and pontics.
APICOECTOMY. - This procedure involves the surgical removal of the apex of the tooth. Chart an apicoectomy by drawing a small triangle on the root of the tooth involved (fig. 2-18, tooth #11). Next chart the RCF on the root of the tooth beginning at the level of
Figure 2-16. - Removable partial dentures (RPDs).
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